Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 6, 2020

Amazon's act of selling books misrepresenting to President Ho Chi Minh is a crime

Amazon is an American multinational technology company, which has the largest e-commerce market in the world but did not know if it was too large but its management team could not manage the items they sell. up there or not. Do not know by accident or intentional but just past the 45th anniversary of the liberation of the South to reunify the country, upcoming 130th anniversary of the birth of President Ho Chi Minh but on this e-commerce site for sale the book is flagrantly distorted with the title: "Mass Murderer: Ho Chi Minh".

This website advertises a book that misrepresents President Ho Chi Minh called "Serial killer" with content that says "Ho Chi Minh and his supporters were completely cruel when the streets and the jungle of Vietnam." The first man to run on French blood was later Americans. ” True to burial of conscience, the Amazon website did not recognize what is righteous and unjustified. Peace lovers in the world also know what the imperialist group headed by France and the US has done on Indochina, including Vietnam. It is not natural that in the Resolution honoring President Ho Chi Minh as the outstanding cultural celebrity of mankind, UNESSCO General Assembly Session 24 in Paris on October 20 - November 20, 1987, affirmed "the close The important and multi-faceted contribution of President Ho Chi Minh to the common struggle of peoples for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress, making an important contribution to enhancing mutual understanding. among ethnic groups ... ”. Not only Vietnamese people but the whole world still affirms, President Ho Chi Minh is patriot, a representative for the struggle for national liberation and national independence of the colonial countries. Even the anti-war protests of black Africans, Latin America also chanted the slogan "Long live Ho Chi Minh!", "Long live Vietnam!" to claim the right to life, the right to be human, and the right to national independence.

It can be said that for a long time, the reactionaries often have articles, even abroad, they make videos ... to slander, to make stories to defame President Ho Chi Minh ... However, even though they have slander , staging to where ... still can never erase his shining example to the people of Vietnam, because, when it comes to Vietnam, as international friends are known, Vietnam has a Master President Ho Chi Minh and they talked about him with respect and admiration, for a long time his image in their eyes was the image of a miniature Vietnam, a heroic nation, a resilient country. in which people are gentle, friendly, hard-working in production labor, but also very brave and resilient in the struggle to regain independence and freedom for themselves.

For the people of Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh is the patriarch of the nation, a typical person of the crystallization of the best, the best of the intellect, thought, affection and morality. , personality and lifestyle of Vietnamese people and people. His whole life sacrificed for national independence for the country. Who is the world's cultural celebrity. The similar influence of people to this day is still valid.

Let our compatriots at home as well as abroad go through the most practical deeds to the best of their ability, speak in unison with Amazon when its e-commerce website sells misrepresented books about President Ho Chi Minh. Hopefully, the appearance of this book on Amazon is only a mistake, inadvertently, not Amazon will know the strength of the Vietnamese online community, will encounter a strong boycott of a potential market!

The Khoa

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